Dental emergencies may be few and far between, but the last thing you should do is put treatment off when they occur. If your tooth is damaged, either because of an oral injury or because of extensive tooth decay, postponing your treatment will only allow the issue to worsen over time. At our office, we can perform a comprehensive exam and stabilize your condition. The last thing we want patients to do is pay more in dental care costs just because they didn’t get to our office sooner. If you or a family member is experiencing a dental emergency, give us a call today!
When faced with a dental emergency, the first thing you should do is give our office a call to schedule an appointment. Not only will this allow you to have your dental emergency addressed, but you’ll get to speak with one of our team members and learn exactly what you should do next based on your circumstances. Until you do get to our office, read the next steps below to best deal with your emergency.
Use dental floss to remove any food debris from in between your teeth, as this is a common cause for tooth pain. If discomfort continues, take an over-the-counter painkiller such as ibuprofen. Avoid aspirin as this can cause a burning sensation if it makes contact with gum tissue directly. If swelling appears, apply a cold compress directly to your face in 10-minute intervals.
Collect any pieces of tooth left that you can find, then keep them in a container to bring to our office. Use a cold compress to combat any swelling, and take painkillers to reduce discomfort. If the tooth is sharp, use either wax paraffin or sugarless chewing gum to cover the tooth. This will prevent you from accidentally cutting your lip, cheeks, or tongue.
Do your best to stay calm and look for the tooth. Once you’ve found it, pick it up by the crown portion only. Avoid touching the root portion or removing any tissue that’s still attached. After rinsing your mouth out with warm water as well as gently rinsing the tooth of any debris, carefully place the tooth back into your open socket. If this is not possible, keep the tooth in a container of milk and get to our office within the next hour.
While a lost filling or crown is not as big of an emergency, it can make your tooth feel quite sensitive. In the event that your crown is unseated, you can reseat it using either dental cement, denture adhesive, or petroleum jelly. You can also use sugarless gum as a last resort. However, reseating the restoration yourself should only be seen as a temporary solution. To improve comfort, apply a small amount of clove oil to your tooth before reseating the crown.
Preventing dental emergencies starts with practicing daily oral care, which includes brushing and flossing. You should also be visiting our office for professional checkups and cleanings once every six months. These basic preventive steps make a big difference in preventing future dental emergencies. Of course, those who participate in contact sports should be using mouthguards to protect their teeth. If you grind your teeth regularly, our office can create a nightguard that prevents potential cracking of teeth, which can easily trigger a dental emergency.
Determining the cost of your dental emergency starts with a detailed examination of your current condition. If we determine that you have an oral infection for example, we’ll confirm if antibiotics are enough or if root canal therapy is also needed. If your tooth is damaged, we’ll assess the level of damage present and confirm if a filling or crown is needed, and so on. Regardless of how severe your dental emergency might be, we’ll always take the time to carefully review your case and provide a professional recommendation for your treatment.